Hooker Microscopy
Logon Account & Network Access Policy
General Usage Policies |
Charges | After hours user access
| File Storage Policies |
Network Access
- Network Access is only available to authorized users of the Michael Hooker
Microscopy Facility (MHMF).
- Access requires your own account with a user name and password on the
- On completion of the introductory training and orientation session a
MHmicroscopy domain account will be issued.
- Each user's logon access to acquisition systems will be restricted to
machines for which training has been completed.
- Generally accounts will allow logon and network access to image processing
- MHMF user accounts will allow network access to the users or
users1, etc. and similar shared directories of the image
acquisition workstations and the raid array file server (\\MINSKY\yourname
or \\MINSKY\USERS1 or \\MINSKY\division-name etc.)
- The windows network protocols (tcp/ip & smb, samba) are supported to the
shared userx directories.
- ftp access
is not provided to the file server, \\Minsky,
or to workstations. FTP access is to a separate server via ftp://loginname@mhmicrosopy.med.unc.edu.
Due to the inherent security risk ftp access is discouraged and a separate
username and password will be issued for ftp access upon request. All
ftp access requires an account. No anonymous ftp access is available.
- AppleTalk shared directories are available on \\Minsky\users1 (Use zone UNC
Med, MINSKY for access).
- We can provide advice about network connections but can not help users
with problems without charging for consultation time. Your
departmental/unit computing support staff are more qualified, also OIS or ATN
or MicroMedic.
General Usage Policies |
Charges | After hours user access
| File Storage Policies |
Network Access
Last updated
2014-07-24 |