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Marsico Hall Microscopy Fellowship (MHMF.ORG)

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Scheduling & Booking Resources

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This page contains links to web based calendars for viewing and making bookings on the microscopy resources.  Prior booking is not essential.  However booking will ensure that the resource is available for your use, and that you will not be bumped off by someone who has booked.
  • Notice: Can't book? Technical problems? Please contact Michael 919-912-9380 txt/voice  (after hours OK) 

Confocal Microscope Schedules



Leica Stellaris5 Confocal inverted, Environmental chamber, Motorized x-y-z stage, Tiling, Deconvolution, Spectral unmixing      

Fluorescent/transmitted light Microscope Schedules


Leica DMIRE Inverted Fluorescence/DIC Microscope - Viewing only. No camera, no computer, limited objectives - 6010 Thurston Bowles (Temporary location)



Olympus VS200 virtual slide scanner - Marsico Hall


  Next 56 days  
Nikon Upright Transmitted light and color camera. Fluorescence/DIC Microscope - 6024 Thurston Bowles



Next 56 days
Olympus VS120 - virtual slide scanner - Marsico Hall  i   Next 56 days  

Image Processing & Analysis Workstation Schedules


VisioPharm - Data Pathology Analysis

Next 56 days
"Fiji" Image Processing Workstation: FIJI/ImageJ, QuPath, OlyVIA, LAS X, MS Office 2021 - 7119 Marsico Hall

Booking Resources
Copyright 2001-2024  Dr. M. Chua, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Go Back Booking Resources
Questions/comments/problems: Michael Chua


Last Updated: 2024-05-13